
Educational Session

Learn fundamental Quaker history and understand how Quaker beliefs and testimonies influence organizational approaches, decision-making, and more.

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Cost: (Exclusively for core members)

Educational Session

Effective collaborative decision-making requires a climate of openness and trust, in which participants can share their viewpoints without judgment or recrimination, and ultimately support the decision of the group–even if it is not their preference. Learn the underlying principles of the process and the roles and expectations of the facilitator and participants. Great for board and senior staff members.

Educational Session

Unlock the Power of Delegation and Transform Your Leadership!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your workload? Are you struggling to balance your responsibilities as a leader or manager? Discover the art and science of effective delegation in our new immersive virtual course.

Educational Session
In Person

Session 3 of the FSA Leadership Institute. This intensive, cohort-style experience is designed to promote leadership practices that will resonate in organizations that embrace Quaker values—Presence, Connection, Listening—and where leaders actively and intentionally live these values to shape and nourish the culture of their organizations.

Interested in participating in the 2024 cohort?  Learn more about it.

Educational Session

Giving and receiving feedback are essential skills for managers at every level. Join this Learning Lab to help identify why feedback is necessary and what the different types of feedback are. Also, learn tools and best practices to receive feedback in a constructive way that can help you grow as a leader.

Location: Virtual via Zoom