Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture Education

Staff Training and Development | On-site or Virtual Sessions

●  Bullying and Harassment

You have heard the words bullying and harassment, but what do they exactly mean? Learn tools to help determine if someone has been bullied, and how to prevent and address these behaviors at work.

●  Employee Engagement

Define employee engagement and discuss how you can increase it in your staff. Explore the differences between engagement, motivation and other related concepts, identify areas that affect your employees’ engagement and pinpoint strategies to increase it.

●  Managing Change

Increase your effectiveness as an ambassador of change; both the changes you don’t have control over and the ones you make. Examine how to deal with change yourself and learn tools to help others on your staff.

●  Values in Action

Are you interested in having staff understand and connect to the values of your organization? Attendees will work together to share examples of your organization’s values and the practices that reflect those values.


Ready to learn? Contact us to discuss how we can help.