Resource Center

Board & Organizational Development
Board Meeting Evaluations

Board Meeting Evaluations (Video)

Evaluating nonprofit board meetings is an important quality improvement measure. Jane Mack, CEO for FSA | Friends Services Alliance, explores the...

Board & Organizational Development
Board Self-Assessment

Board Self-Assessment (Video)

Model board practices include an organization's board periodically holding up a mirror to assess its own performance. Jane Mack, CEO for FSA | Friends...

Board & Organizational Development

Responding to Concern (Video)

How should a board member respond to an employee or service recipient's concern or complaint? Carefully! As a board member, your desire to help could...

Board & Organizational Development

Board Engagement (Video)

Having a productive and actively engaged board of directors is a gift to any organization. How can an organization measure the engagement of its board...

Diversity & Inclusion
Board and Organizational Development

New Realities Require New Approaches: The Business Case for Diversity

Diversity should be considered a business imperative to remain economically and morally strong and competitive. It is also necessary to expand the...